Thursday, April 29, 2010

**Grammie L. Don't Look!!!** I am posting your Mother's Day Gift!!

If by chance Grammie L. sees this post before Mother's won't be much of a surprise or at least act surprised when you open your present! :)
  But, I had to share what we had made for her by the gals at Lily Lane {}.
I actually had them ship it directly to Grammie and then send me a picture of how it turned out.
I sent them a regular size picture via email of the grandkids and then they changed it to black and white.
This is the other side that you can have custom made also!
I thought that Lily Lane did a fabulous job and for a really great price!
I would love to hear from you what you are getting or giving for Mother's Day!!
Linked to:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday Morning Finds

I had a fun-filled day last Saturday shopping with my mom.  We went into Tuesday Morning to see what they had and I found tons of scrapbooking supplies.  I bought 6 rolls of Heidi Swapp stickers for $1.99ea., reg. $14.99 ea, on each roll they have at least 50 sheets of stickers {I didn't open them to count yet!}.  Then I found Martha Stewart punches for $2.99 ea, reg. $9.99 ea..  I guess now I need to make something with them, right!?!  {I also found some rub-ons that I helped design years ago...weird to see it there!}

Do you ever have those weeks that almost everyone in your family gets sick?  Well, today is my turn with an allergy attack!  I am dying here!  Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling better and get back to making stuff!  My hubby isn't sick, but had a flat tire at work today...poor dear!

What are you getting your mother/mother-in-law for Mother's day?  Share please!!!  Tomorrow I will post what I had made for my I have to figure out what to do for my momma!

Have a great day!

Monday, April 26, 2010

And the Winner is...

The winner of a beautiful necklace made by Ana Paula from Get Craftin' is:
Erin and Marc Dudley!!
Erin, email Ana at to receive your necklace!
Erin and Marc Dudley said...
I NOW follow BOTH blog's! They are FANTASTIC! I hope I can sleep tonight with ALL the new creative ideas dancing through my head. :) However, if I can sleep, I will dream of Red Blossom. :)
April 22, 2010 1:24 PM
Thank you to all of you that became our followers and left sweet comments!

P.S.  See that fabric in the background?  That will soon be covering a pillow to be front and center on my bed.  I will be blogging this week about my master bedroom redo!  I bought the fabric at Hawthorne Threads and I had excellent service with a quick delivery, too!! 

Altered Lampshade Tutorial...using burlap & felt

I have been wanting to alter this lampshade for the longest time.  As you can see in the before picture, it really didn't go with my all!
One thing that I did learn from this project is to iron out the wrinkles in the burlap before attaching.  I was on a roll and didn't notice until it was all done.  I will have to do some fancy steaming work on it.
I used freezer paper do make my pattern out of.  I cut the beads off first {I will definitely use them later!}.  Then I just drew a line as a rolled the lampshade in a half circle.  I wasn't precise with it, I am sure that there are always better ways of doing everything I do. :)
Once I cut this half circle, I fliped the pattern over and ended up cutting a whole circle out.  I then trimmed the excess off. 
I attached the top first.  Hot glue loves to come through the fibers of the burlap so the clothes pins helped save my fingertips!
I just made a ruffle on top.  {I also finished out the insides with thinner black ribbon, I just didn't include a picture of it}
Cut out 2 in. circles out of felt, whatever color you want.  Then you make a dot of hot glue in the middle and fold one side then the other to form what my son called a "TACO".
Once the hot glue is cooled off, cut in the middle which forms 2 individual pieces for the trim.
Lots of hot gluing!  You just have to make enough for your size of lampshade!
I also made that fabric flower to attach to the top side of the just needed just a little bit more.
The possibilities are endless...I have several more that I am planning on changin' up soon!!
Linked to:
Keeping it Simple
Between Naps on the Porch
The Girl Creative
Making the World Cuter
Chocolate Sundaes
Reinvented: Trash to Treasure Tuesday
My Frugal Family:  Talented Tuesday
A Soft Place to Land
Today's Creative Blog

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Wreath...made with PaperTowels!!

Leslie and I had so much fun making this project.  It took us 3 separate days to finish because of time and nap schedules.  It seriously was so easy and I would like to call it a "Free Spirit" kind of project because we didn't really worry about everything matching perfectly!

Our inspiration came from Nicole over at Made By Nicole Blog {click here to go to her tutorial}, at the end of this post I have a picture of her wreath that started it all!
Can You Believe they are made out of PAPERTOWELS?!!
We attached the flowers to a burlap wrapped wreath.  We used pinking shears cutting out several of the circles.  We "distressed" a lot of the pieces by wrinkling them up.  We even added some silk, tulle and fabric pieces.  We had fun going through our embellishment stash to had a little whimsy and bling!
{We used food coloring in 4 separate little bottles to color the white papertowels and coffee filters.  I think by using food coloring it came out more pastel than Nicole's vibrant colors.}
{You can click on the pictures for a bigger view}
I love how big Leslie made her flowers.  I am still trying to talk Leslie into either doing her own blog or guest blogging for me.  Help me let her know that we need to share her talents with everyone! ;)
In Leslie's bottom flower, she rolled a coffee filter that we also colored in a "tube" and then she made it into a circle to place more inside.  I really liked that one!
This is Nicole's wreath!  Thanks Nicole for sharing your talents with us!
Have a Bright Day!
I was featured on:
The Speckled Dog Blog
Linked to: 
The Shabby Chic Cottage
Somewhat Simple
Blue Cricket Design
Craftaholics Anonymous
The Trendy Treehouse
Just a Girl
Beyond the Picket Fence
Life as Lori
Under the Table and Dreaming {Sunday}

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Beautiful Necklace Giveaway from Get Craftin'!!!

Hey Everyone I'm Ana
the chick behind
If you haven't heard of me don't be shocked.
But bare with me I'm a newby!
A little about me...

I'm a happily newlywed. 8 months now, Is that still a newlywed? It sure feel like it!
I love anything purple and green, in fact those were my wedding colors.
I love creating anything that is simply cute, for my little apartment, myself, babies (not ours yet):), you name it i love creating.
My favorite crafts are probably girly accessories, if you have stopped by my blog before you know i love headbands. I really just love love love anything cute and feminine, especially if i can make it within my newlywed budget(which is not alot).
Jenn here from Redberry Barn
has been Kind enough to let me do a giveaway here at her Fabulous blog.
I love this blog so much and have been a worthy follower for a while now. I love her creations, she simply inspires me.
So with mother's day around the corner this giveaway could work nicely.
You'll be able to win your choice of these Glass bead Pendant Necklace.
Click on the images to enlarge them!
They all have a good length of the ribbon
for you to adjust the length to your outfit or to what you prefer!
Here's some of my favorites and a close up.
{Red Blossom}
and {Paris}
Here's The Simple Ways to win!
You'll have 3 Entry Chances...
Leave a comment for every one that applies to yourself.
1.  First you can get one entry by becoming or already being a Redberry Barn follower.

2. Second you can get one more entry for becoming or already being a follower of Get Craftin'.

3. Third you can get one more entry by Posting about this giveaway on your blog, just leave us a link.

The Giveaway will end Monday, April 26 at 9:00 PM CST and the winner will be announced here!!
And that's all, Good Luck Everyone!
I hope you can pass by my blog...
Have a fabulous day!
Note from Jenn:  Ana Paula is so talented...I am in love with these necklaces!  You have to go and check out her blog...become a follower and you will be amazed and inspired by her creativity!!

What Leslie and I are up to...

Come back here tomorrow, I am hosting a FABULOUS Giveaway from Ana Paula from her GET CRAFTIN' blog.
You don't want to miss it!!

Leslie and I were inspired by a wreath made from dyed papertowels,
check out it on the Made By Nicole blog.
You will seriously freak out how beautiful it is, especially to know that it is made with papertowels!
We dyed the papertowels the other day using food coloring in little spray bottles.
I used my old Bath and Body Works body spray bottles {travel size}
We are going to try to finish it tomorrow!!  It has been a fun project so far!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blue Bird Flour Sacks

My mom is so cute...she saved all of the flour sacks {5,10,20lb sizes} for me that they used during their mission to New Mexico.
Aren't they pretty?
I just shook out the flour and filled it with batting, then tied a bow around it.
It could even add a little whimsy to a tablescape.  My mom washed a couple of them and they have that nice faded look.  I really like the vibrant colors, though.  She even called up the flour mill and they would sell the sacks individually!
What would you do with a flour sack?  Make a pillow, frame it, apron...leave a comment and let me know!!!
Linked To:
The Girl Creative
Talk About it Tuesday
Reinvented:  Trash to Treasure Tuesday
Someday Crafts:  Whatever Wednesday
Blue Cricket Designs
My Backyard Eden

Friday, April 16, 2010

Leslie's Creation

I just had to show off what my friend, Leslie, made.  Look at this darling headband that she made for her daughter!  I just love how she layered the paper flowers with the fabric rosettes!
She bought the fabric at Walmart!

Leslie doesn't have a blog...I need to talk her into getting one because she is amazing!  She can do anything and everything!  Isn't wonderful to have friends like that!!
Have a blissful weekend! 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

"SpotLight Yourself" Blog Hop

Come check out this new blog hop!
It was started by it's so very Cheri and is a super way to meet new people and get to know them!
Enter your link and grab the code for the blog hop... post it on your own blog and
have fun!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Birthday Card & a Present

My friend's birthday was last Friday {same as baby K's} and this is the card that I made for her.
{You slide the ribbon off and it opens in the middle}
Baby K was invited to Miss Ella's Birthday Tu Tu party last week and this was for Ella.
I found her gift at Hobby Lobby in the garden section; the snail, froggie and flower.
Then I used a painter marker to write her name on the little chalkboard.
I just thought it was too cute!
Have a delightful day!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CTR Sign

I made this little CTR sign for my nephew's baptism present {about 4"x12" size, vinyl letters}. 
We are not going to be able to make it out to Utah this weekend for his special day. 
My parents are coming home from their mission as I type this!
{they were in the Albuquerque New Mexico LDS Mission on a Navajo Reservation} 
Their "Homecoming" is this Sunday, I can't wait!!
Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Meet Virginia Giveaway!!

You have to go check out Morgan's Giveaway on her blog Meet Virginia and Roo.
She is giving away some of her fantastic creations for her birthday, see here:
I wish that I knew how to crochet, when I have "tried" I feel that my hands can't work together at the same time!
Have a fun day!

*UPDATED* Keep Calm...Burlap Stitch

*updated: I added a burlap flower with the ribbon*
Just leave a comment {& be a Follower!}with your email and I will send you a Word Doc. of this stitch.
{if you don't have Word I used the Gill Sans MT font in 100pt & 60pt}

While I was trying to get to sleep the other night, I had the thought come to me...why not do a stitch on burlap.  I need to make one that says "Keep Calm and Give me your Chocolate" because when I get stressed I head straight to my chocolate stash.
{I just noticed that in the picture it seems a little wavy, in real life the letters are straighter...I promise!!}
I cut a larger piece of burlap and put duct tape around the edges so it didn't come apart.
Then I did my good ol' fashioned lightbox on my window with a sharpie.
I think next time I might double up on the line to make it thicker.
Andrea from JandAandCo blog inspired me by her making these:
I would LOVE one of them!!!
Jen at Tatertots and Jello blog is a big inspiration for burlap projects:
I LOVE her pillows that she made here:
Have a Splendid day {and have a cupcake!}
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